EMTF Roster & Call Down Drill
Emergency Medical Task Force Mission

To minimize suffering and loss of life through an agile, flexible and reliable disaster medical response system that exceeds the expectations of our stakeholders and citizens across the great State of Texas.
- Scalability – Multiple components that can be scaled to fit the needs of the incident.
- Highly trained clinicians – We utilize physicians, nurses, and paramedics that are actively practicing in critical care environments.
- MOA – 100’s of signed agreements with fire, EMS, and hospital agencies across the state.
OUR VISION - To expand upon our role as a critical public safety partner that delivers exceptional pre-hospital emergency medical care in a disaster environment. Alongside our state, regional and local partners, we will enhance our state’s ability to be resilient when confronted by man-made and natural disasters through superior disaster medical care for Texans. We will maintain the trust of our stakeholders through skilled coordination and collaboration across all level of government and continuing to serve as a model program for other states across the Nation.
EMTF Components
Medical Incident Support Teams
Medical Incident Management Personnel Augmenting Operations Centers & Command Posts.
Ambulance & Air Medical Strike Teams
Provides medical transport & evacuation services during a large-scale disaster, mass casualty incidents, & other like missions.
Ambulance Bus/Multi-Patient Vehicle
Specialized medical busses to provide advanced medical transport and evacuation for large-scale incidents.
Mobile Medical Unit
Augment and support the needs of a disaster impacted community with temporary healthcare infrastructure that is configurable to the incident.
Registered Nurse Strike Teams
To provide surge nursing staff for an Emergency Department or specialty area [ICU, burn unit, etc.] nursing staff, to a disaster inundated or impacted.
Ambulance Staging Management Teams
Manages the Stage Site, Mobilization, and Tracking of Activated Resources.
Texas Mass Fatality Operations Response Teams
Provides operational assistance to medicolegal authorities with site operations, morgue operations, Victim Identification Center, and Victim Information Center operations following a mass-fatality incident.
Infectious Disease Response Unit
Augment & support the needs of the regional health-care system with the care, transport, & or transfer of patients with a high consequence infectious disease [HCID].
Wildland Fire Medical Support Team
Medical teams embedded within wildland firefighting units to provide immediate medical care.
Contact Us
The Texas Emergency Medical Task Force (TX EMTF) is the response system developed by Regional Advisory Councils, the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and local EMS and Hospital stakeholders to fulfill the need for short notice, emergency health care during a disaster or significant incident.
Powered by Texans for Texans
100 E. Ferguson, Ste. 708
Tyler, TX. 75702
(903) 593-4722 ext. 105